Powersense Incorporated
Bringing the power market to you
Accelerating renewable electrification and optimizing energy management with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Energy Analytics and Market Price Forecasting
Powersense' suite of energy analytic models and applications that were developed to simplify electricity management for its users. In the coming age of renewable electrification, end users (residential, factories, malls, distributors, retailers) will have the power to choose the type of energy they want to use or sell the energy to the grid. Powersense is preparing Streamline to adapt to this coming age by making it AI-enabled, so everyone can make those decisions using Streamline.
Powersense created Prophesy to help power industry market participants capture market opportunities and maximize the value of its electricity. Prophesy 2021-2025 is now available for subscription. This may be used for market studies (feasibility study), operations budgeting, asset management programs, and electricity sourcing activities.
A Vision for Accelerating Renewable Electrification
"A Vision for Accelerating Renewable Electrification" or AVARE are projects originated by Powersense envisioned to catalyze a portfolio of solar plus storage projects in local communities. It will commercialize long duration energy storage solutions and pave the way for downstream investments in smart grids, distributed energy, and electric vehicles.