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Who We Are

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Powersense Incorporated

We are a renewable energy developer and energy analytics company that desires to accelerate renewable electrification and optimize electricity management with Artificial Intelligence (AI).


We develop clean, sustainable, cost-effective electricity solutions that are AI-enabled to make electricity management simpler.

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Our Mission

To empower electricity end-users by making electricity management simpler through analytics. This will lead to the development of clean, sustainable, cost-effective electricity solutions that are AI-enabled to promote the growth of local economies, and to decarbonize mother earth.

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Our Values

Our core values are an important foundation of how we conduct our business. Each element of our organization – our people, our actions and our electricity solutions, embody these core values:

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We support our customers fully and work hard to create products that make electricity management simpler. We create legal and financing structures to make their projects win.

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Powersense is passionate about energy analytics and applying that knowledge to our projects and products. For us, it is all about electrifying the future and ultimately saving the world.

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We let truth be our guide and strive to do our work honorably, fairly, and always in good faith.

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Powersense sees collaboration as a key ingredient for the success of its projects and products. To collaborate effectively, respect is vital. For us, it is about creating a good working environment for multidisciplinary teams to thrive.

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We strive to ensure our projects and products deliver long lasting value to our customers.

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Discover Our Expertise

Energy Market Fundamentals

Market Price Modeling and Forecasting

Electricity Price Design

Power Marketing

Generator Commercial Modeling

Generator Commercial Strategy

Meet Our Core Team


Shimri Rodelas

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

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Angel Tejada

Co-Founder and Chief Administrative Officer

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Frieda Rodriguez

Senior Advisor

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